Swedish Fjallraven Backpack is initiated by Ake Nordin, the inventor of this brand. The backpack well responds to outdoor activities that require endurance, toughness, and durable in actual use. No matter how bad the weather is.

The backpack is made of G-1000 fabric which is a special material coated with wax. The material helps the backpack to prevent the heat and cold as well as waterproof. The backpack from the Fjallraven is the most durable for outdoor use with an elegant design that allows you to have a classy look.
The backpack is always ready to go with you as well as impress you every time when you are using it. The backpack is worthy, not only to your wallet but also to nature: the backpack support belt is made of wood. The designs are fierce and swag to support serious usage. The credit of the brand can be seen by becoming a legend part of users in many journeys for decades.
I would like to share my happiness of being with nature and my beloved backpack, and I hope that I could be an inspiration driving many people to travel with worthy products.